Sulfur Health for Obesity

Organic sulfur, or methylsulfonylmethane, has been known to help with health problems associated with heart disease, such as obesity.

Sulfur deficiency in our diets is actually very common, mostly due to the demineralization of our soils from farming, but also caused by eating poor diets or overly processed foods. Lack of sulfur in your diet may result in health problems such as heart disease and obesity.

In an interview conducted in 2011, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, senior research scientist at MIT, shared some thoughts and research on the influence of sulfur on health and disease, specifically highlighting how a lack of sulfur negatively impacts healthy cardiovascular systems. Stephanie explains how heart disease might be associated with cholesterol sulfate deficiency. If a high level of LDL is present in the body it almost always is the result of the body trying to overcompensate for the lack of cholesterol sulfate.

As it turns out, when LDL is turned into plaque, blood platelets inside the plaque will produce cholesterol sulfate, which your heart and brain desperately need to properly function. If you lower LDL by using doctor prescribed statins, you could be leading yourself to gradual heart failure. That seems counterintuitive, but does bring up the valuable question to ask yourself about LDL and cardiovascular disease: How do I increase cholesterol sulfate while minimizing the harmful LDL in my body?

The obvious answer to this question, specifically addressed from most doctors, is improving our diets. You know, eating more vegetables, specifically those that are fibrous and non-leafy like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. Indeed, other vegetables such as onions, garlic, celery, and asparagus are rich in sulfur. However, due to newer farming techniques, even these vegetables are becoming less replete with sulfur. This is exactly why taking a sulfur supplement, along with a healthy diet is so important in combatting cardiovascular diseases, especially obesity.

Does MSM sulfur really improve cardiovascular health problems, such as obesity?

Although clinical studies on weight loss from taking MSM sulfur don’t readily exist, there are plenty of testimonials from people stating the MSM helped them lose weight and improve cardiovascular health. Many participants from the Cellular Matrix Study, directed by Patrick McGean, have shared this exact testimony.

MSM is very important in the body’s development of insulin production and management of blood-sugar levels. For this reason, participants noticed an increase in energy levels, most likely due to carbohydrate metabolism increases, which could have directly influenced exercise and movement, thus combating obesity. Another reason that directly relates to weight loss, is the ability of MSM sulfur to help alleviate and mitigate joint problems, severely decreasing pain and increasing mobility, helping participants to again be more active.